Planning a game night or game party for your friends, family, congregants, or employees? Your Game Minister offers guidance, consultation, facilitation, and even hosting. You can use your own games or Your Game Minister can supply games. Tailor the games to those attending or for a chosen theme.
Buran runs D&D at CastleCon 2000 Players pictured include Bill, Douglas, Craig, Chip, & Tim
Want to learn a new game or introduce a new game to your circle of friends and family? Or perhaps your group would like to try out roleplaying for the first time or learn to be a Game Moderator? Your Game Minister can provide individual or group instruction.
Game Instruction (up to 8) 30 minutes • $50
Game Moderator Workshop 1-4 hours • Rates based on time and attendance
Thinking of offering role-playing games as part of your religious education program or after-school activities? Your Game Minister can help you plan a program that is safe and welcoming, fun for youth and adults, and diversity positive. Consultation, Trainings, and Workshops tailored to your needs. Engage their imagination. Promote empathy & cooperation. Explore principles with collaborative, improvised storytelling.
Workshop / Training, 4 hours, up to 6 players • $600 Additional Attendees (max 10) • $50 each ~ Consulting 1 hour • $100
Does your congregation have an open spot in the worship calendar? With years of preaching experience, Your Game Minister has a large selection of sermons and reflections to offer with thematically matched readings, stories for all ages, and other worship elements as needed. On-line or in-person. Together we can find a service that is right for your congregation. Combine the worship services with facilitated game event, training, or workshop for added value.
Standard UUMA Fees Apply 1 Service • $315 - $385 (plus travel) ~ 2nd Service • $135 - $165
For more information, service topics, and availability - Pop-In Pulpiteer
Evelyn & Brandon exchange vows by the Susquehanna River
Have you, your team, your community, or your congregation experienced a traumatic event? Do you need someone to discuss your response with?
A traumatic event is anything that has disrupted your regular ability to live, work, and play in a healthy, rewarding way. Rev. Craig has been providing trauma response ministry and consulting for most of his life. Craig started as a peer responder specializing in Suicide Intervention & Prevention providing on-call assistance and public presentations. Craig volunteered and worked for a teen crisis center, training volunteers and answering the 24 hour crisis phone line for almost a decade. Combining his education and experience, Rev. Craig joined the Unitarian Universalist Trauma Response Ministry team. As a UUTRM volunteer for 15 years, Rev. Craig served as a Trauma Responder, a Crisis Line operator, a Trauma Response Team Leader, a Training Co-Facilitator, and a Safety Assessment Evaluator. Though Rev. Craig is no longer a member of the UUTRM, he highly recommends UUTRM for those seeking assistance.
As a Community Minister, Rev. Craig does offer Pastoral Care and Consultation on Trauma Response and Safety Preparedness to individuals and groups.
Standard consultation rate is $100 per hour. Inquire about workshops, presentations, and Safety Preparedness Assessments.
Want to find the perfect game for you or someone you love? With a brief conversation, Your Game Minister can pick out several games that will match your interests and gaming style. Satisfaction Guaranteed! If the game recommended doesn’t bring joy for the intended recipient, further consultation is free.
15 minute consultation • $25
Need a game moderator for your next role-playing game? Your Game Minister has experience playing & facilitating dozens of role-playing game systems and settings. Dungeons & Dragons (2nd, 3rd, & 5th editions), Pathfinder, Numenera, G.U.R.P.S., Toon, Tales of the Floating Vagabond, Shadowrun, and many more.
On-Line or In-Person.
Planning an event or convention with games and gamers?
Consider providing a chaplain for those who may experience distress or conflict. Your Game Minister is an experienced chaplain with training in trauma response, cultural diversity, and pastoral care. Experienced with groups small and large, all ages, individually and as part of a team.
Compensation based on length & size of event, and coverage required.
Cotton balls play the part of fog as raiders board the ship.
Does your spirit need renewal and restoration? Experience the combination of Small Group Ministry principles and Therapeutic Game-Mastering techniques within a facilitated, guided role-playing game. In Pastoral Role-Playing sessions, Your Game Minister creates a safe space for the players to collaborate in promoting spiritual growth, stress relief, and empathy— all while storming the castle and being big damn heroes.
Click Here to Visit the Pastoral RPG Page $75 per 3 hour session
Need a blessing? Getting married? Want a custom rite or ritual? Your Game Minister has been crafting personal rites of passage for almost two decades. House Blessings, Naming Ceremonies, Weddings, Memorial Services, and Celebrations of Life. Small & intimate or large & rollicking, get the religious service you want. (Ask about the pirate wedding.) Proudly GLBTQ friendly and experienced with multi-faith ceremonies. Authorized to officiate weddings in IL, WI, PA, and NY. Don’t jail dice; bless ‘em instead.
Visit Sacred Stories Real Rituals site for more information.
Rev. Craig’s dog, Spirit, was a trained Therapy Dog for over a decade. She wore the red bandana with pride on all of her pastoral visits.